02 Desember 2007

Santa Claus From Detroit

[The Storyteller song review]
Eminem feat Bob Rivers - Jingle Bell

Yo, yo

Jingle Bells,
Jingle Bells
inglin' all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride
From Detroit to East LA

Is this a white Christmas?
Hell no, my man
I’m leavin' blood in the snow and smacking fat men
You mean Santa? That boy’s a bitch
He caught my mom Christmas eve and tried to give her a kiss
Fo’ real, he’s no joke, the guy don't play
He tried to ride way more than a one-horse sleigh
Laughing all the way, but he’s not laughin' today
We'll jingle more than his bells, even the elves will pay
We’ll be snacking on deer, EATIN’ Blitzen and Donner
Not a question of when, not even a maybe
Have a drunk Mrs. Clause sayin' “Jiggle it, Baby!”
Give a new meaning to “Ho, ho, ho”
Shake that ass, girl, bumpin' booty in the snow
So watch out Santa, you jolly old troll
We’ll be strippin’ that sleigh and leave you the coal

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jinglin' all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride in a drop top Chevrolet,
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jinglin' all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
From Detroit to East LA

Playing reindeer games, hell yeah my friend
Grab Rudolph’s horns, and see how far they bend
When his nose turns red, his ass gets sent
Back out to the woods with his faggy elf friends
Oh, Santa Claus wouldn't list me as nice
In fact, he'll have me listed as 'naughty' twice
Not cuz’ of the fight, or the Christmas gift heist,
But Because of all the nog I left on his wife
It’s time for old nick to move and retire
'Fore we roast his nuts on a big ass fire
Yes I’m that bad, Yes, I’m that crude
I mean your ass is huge, lose weight, for real dude
All the cookies and milk, simply quite sick
I mean, when’s the last time you seen your dick
I don’t mean to throw a fit and I’m not one to bitch
But every year I get underwear, socks, and shit

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jinglin' all the way (check it out)

Oh, what fun it is to ride in a drop top Chevrolet,
hey (yeah)
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jinglin' all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride From Detroit to East LA
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingling all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride in a drop top Chevrolet, hey

(yo, yo)
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingling all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
From Detroit to East LA

Waktu terasa sangat cepat saat ini, tidak terasa sudah di hari ke 2 di bulan Desember dan sebentar lagi Natal tiba dan segera tahun berganti.. kemarin iseng-iseng saya membongkar file-file mp3 yang ada di komputer dan saya mendapati Jingle Bell miliknya Eminem yang keren..

Rap Version of Jingle Bell dengan lirik yang tentu sudah dimodifikasi abis! Liriknya lebih kasar dari lagu yang seringkali kita dengar sejak kecil, tetapi mungkin itulah realita natal saat ini..

Santa Claus dalam benak saya adalah pria gendut dan tua berkostum merah, memegang buntelan berisi hadiah, dan naik kereta terbang dengan rusa-rusanya. Sewaktu kecil saya sering diberi hadiah olehnya (yang dititipkan oleh Ortu saya dibelakang panggung tentunya), Rudolph pun ada di sana (cuma 1 ekor rusa yang ditaruh dalam kandang, hidungnya pun hitam bukan merah), dan saat acaranya selesai sang Santa-pun pulang mengendarai sepeda motor, mungkin keretanya rusak? :)

Saat ini Santa Klaus bisa saja kriminil yang menggunakan kostum santa, atau mungkin seorang pedofil? banyak motivasi menggunakan kostum santa. dan Rudolph tentu saja adanya di kebun binatang dan tidak berkeliaran di jalan menarik kereta, bisa-bisa tersenggol mobil dan tewas.

Mungkin itu hanya tradisi dan cerita natal yang diteruskan kepada anak-anak oleh orang tuanya (dan orang-orang Marketing) sehingga masyarakat menjadi sangat konsumerisme, dan natal pun bergesar artinya: It's Gifts Time. Tapi ini adalah realita bukan?

And if Eminem does jingle bells by
ridin' in a drop top Chevrolet from Detroit to LA, maybe I will do the same by ridin' a train with "tut..tut..tut.." sounds, to Bandung and Surabaya..(versi inggrisnya lagu Naik Kereta Api)

Ada yang kreatif membuatkan video klip untuk lagu ini di youtube, click here to see
kalau sempat akan saya upload file mp3-nya.

olfix for the storyteller

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